Friday, February 2, 2007

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Seaming

Such a good knitting day! Liz taught me the magic and beauty of good finishing. It really is magical when done properly. I'd been introduced to it once many years ago it didn't quite click, I didn't get to see the perfection of all the stitches lined up in a row, like one continuous piece of knitting.

I spent all day finishing a baby sweater out of Noro Iro (bulky and a little more rustic looking than I originally envisioned) and the Hike sweater that my friend Rebecca knit and generously gave me. It's in pale green Calmer, and lovely. Everything is complete except the zipper, which I plan on doing at some later stage. I love it. The generosity of knitters is just a wonderful thing. When I want to think about something uplifting, I think of knitters everywhere. I know I could think about doctors or midwives or refugee relief workers, but for me knitters are what's best about the world.

I also learned from Robin how to do the brilliant and useful Russian join. There are so many wonderful tutorials out there; here's one. I'm test knitting a scarf for Bella Knitting; when I needed to add a new ball Robin effortlessly taught me this technique. Again, I love knitters.


Sarah said...

I love the Iro baby sweater -- you have to post a picture when you get the buttons attatched!

ingridknits said...

Thanks! I'm liking it much more now that Liz taught me proper seaming techniques... Yours btw is still my absolute favorite, photo photo!