Friday, March 2, 2007

How I love EZ, and more about Stitches

Woops, the Madeira Lace Stole is actually by Terilyn Needlearts (same booth as Cookie, the Bay Area Knit Co-Op). I've completed two charts (about 48 rows) so far and I love it so much I dreamt about it last night. Seriously, it's an inspiring, fun and surprisingly easy project. Plus, super soft black alpaca sport weight yarn. The only downside (and it's a minor one) is the 40" Addi Turbo's I'm using. I love Addi's, but didn't steam out the cable enough. I now have a partial slinky to knit with. Sarah asked about the class I took at Stitches - I learned a few useful things: how to convert a written, not charted , pattern to the round, and a neat trick on creating a flat round swatch (that's right, flat round). It involves some large loops of slack yarn in the back and pushing the swatch to the other end of the needles after each row (much like an i-cord). It's interesting, but I think I like EZ's recommendation to simply cast on enough for a hat.

Speaking of EZ, my love for her writing, projects and techniques keeps growing. It's love, not infatuation. I'm sending my mom the practically seamless baby sweater directions and some sample yarn - she's an enthusiastic beginner and a quick learner with a strong interest in knitting baby items. That means EZ.

I've also been researching digital cameras, and have been reading a lot of Brooklyn Tweed and Bella Knitting lately. I love the great photos of yarn and knitting and am inspired to, if not buy a good digital camera, then at least to camp out at Sarah's house.

I also went down to Uncommon Threads, a local-enough favorite yarn shop, and bought 5 or 6 balls of Rowan felted Tweed. Inspired by Nona's fair aisle sweater based on EZ, I am ready to cast on for something that I hope will be as lovely and satisfying as this one. Isn't it pretty? And the hat? I love it, and more importantly Nona loves it.

1 comment:

nonaKnits said...

Have fun with your Felted Tweed -- I cannot wait to see what you create!